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East Coast Depression And Addiction Treatment

Understanding why you began relying on drugs or alcohol can be just as critical as treating the disorder. Depression is one of the most frequently seen underlying causes. If you've already taken action to detox from addictive substances but are in need of additional treatment, is here for you. Our treatment can address your depression and drug or alcohol use disorders together. Contact us at 888-369-7727 if you are struggling with depression and addiction.

We Understand The Connection Between Depression And Substance Use

Depression is challenging to detect, much less cope with. Those who are suffering sometimes rely on mood-altering substances to cope with depression symptoms. Self-treating with addictive substances can lead to a harmful addiction/depression cycle.

The exultant effect of drugs and alcohol might give you short-lived relief from depression. However, once those substances wear off, depression's adverse emotions may sharpen. There’s an unending cycle like a broken record where you use and then feel worse, repeatedly. As your tolerance goes up, you may need more drugs and alcohol to recapture the feelings of euphoria. In time addiction develops, and depression and substance use can become devestating to your life.

The Evolve Recovery Center specialists understand how you can easily get ensnared in the spiral of depression/addiction. We also realize that it isn't a cycle you can break alone. When you want support from skilled clinicians, contact us at 888-369-7727. We're here to help you, at all hours.

How We Address Depression And Addiction

Expert care can end the ongoing cycle of self-treating with habit-forming substances. Our modern inpatient rehab center gives you a safe, comfortable environment free from alcohol and drug use triggers until you’re ready to return home.

At , you'll receive round-the-clock emotional and medical support for addiction and depression. Our practitioners are experienced with the physiological and mental effects of withdrawal. We utilize proven treatments for handling ongoing withdrawal symptoms and cravings. We work to keep you as comfortable as possible so you may move toward permanent sobriety.

We'll also help you acquire the skills you need to change your life. If you are grappling with depression and addiction in , you require support that helps with both issues. handles mental health and substance use disorders with evidence-based techniques guided by certified professionals. Here, you'll attend private and group therapy meetings every day to:

  • Learn more about depression and substance use
  • Examine past trauma that caused your depression and substance use
  • Uncover unhealthy thought processes and habits that trigger substance use and depression
  • Develop healthy coping skills
  • Develop skills needed for communicating and relationship building

By comprehending the underlying factors behind your substance use and depression, you’ll be able to navigate difficult feelings and discover how to keep your addiction and depression in check. Even though there is no “cure” for these conditions, the practitioners at can help you understand how to handle them so you may conduct a happier life and refrain from using harmful substances permanently.

Why Turn To Evolve Recovery Center For Treatment?

If you are looking for specialized care to help you stop the pattern of substance use and depression, Evolve Recovery Center is here for you. We believe you have a right to the best care and intend to supply that for your entire stay. In addition to evidence-based treatment administered by expert therapists, at , you'll benefit from:

  • Personalized treatment adapted to your particular needs
  • A furnished bedroom with your own bath
  • Nutritious, appetizing chef-cooked meals, snacks, and beverages
  • Enjoyable leisure activities
  • Time to relax and recuperate
  • Strict patient privacy and confidentiality guidelines
  • Guidance for insurance and billing questions
  • Considerate care from compassionate professionals
  • Aftercare planning prior to leaving

If you have questions in regards to our services or admissions, dial 888-369-7727 today to find the assistance you need. We aim for you to get the right support for your substance use and depression and are accessible whenever you’re ready to begin rehab.

Request Help For Addiction and Depression

You deserve support for both addiction and depression. Place a call to Evolve Recovery Center at 888-369-7727 or send in our contact form below. A member of our staff will reply immediately, no matter the time or day. We'll give you more info about our care and help you find the assistance you need. We're here to help you today.