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Fentanyl Rehab: Identifying Fentanyl & Getting Ready For Treatment

A fentanyl addiction can put every aspect of your life on hold. To overcome an opioid up to 100 times more potent than morphine, you need adept assistance from capable professionals. Fortunately, that is just what you will get at Evolve’s fentanyl rehab. Our welcoming inpatient facility is the next step after detox and the best way to get started on your recovery.

How Do You Know If You Need Fentanyl Rehab?

Designed to treat severe pain following major surgeries, fentanyl is a dangerous substance with a high probability for misuse and dependency. Fentanyl is also dangerous as it can be laced with other drugs like heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamines. Even if you attended detox or another treatment program before, fentanyl rehab is a vital component if you’re facing:

  • Compulsions to use again
  • Continuing withdrawal symptoms
  • A void of coping skills to handle triggers for substance use
  • Mental health issues, such as co-occurring disorders
  • A constant fear of relapsing

Even if your situation differs, you ought to obtain treatment when addicted to this life-threatening drug. Our fentanyl rehab in offers a refuge to start your recovery away from damaging influences. If you are still in need of a qualified detox center, our sister facility, Sunrise Detox, is pleased to help.

How To Get Ready For Our Fentanyl Rehab Center

If you've already made the call to get assistance at our fentanyl rehab center, you've completed the crucial first step. There are some other arrangements you should plan to make, like:

1. Make plans for family members and your job while you're absent. If you need assistance figuring out time off with your employer, Evolve is happy to coordinate with your HR department. Our personnel are skilled in organizing documentation for FMLA and other kinds of time off.

2. Bring enough necessary items. Expect staying no less than 10 days and make sure you have comfortable clothing, toiletries, and a few magazines or books. If you fail to remember something, we can help! Laundry facilities are also available while you're at the center.

3. Plan your travel arrangements. Be sure you have the ability to arrive here in a safe manner or simply contact us to get a ride to and from Evolve Recovery Center.

It’s also smart to read our admissions information so you have a good idea of what to anticipate when you arrive.

How Long Will Fentanyl Rehab Take?

Since we utilize an individualized approach, there isn’t a fixed duration for our fentanyl rehab. Alternatively, our licensed therapists will recommend a treatment length based on your opening assessment. You can plan to be here a minimum of two to four weeks but longer rehabilitation plans up to 90 days are not unusual.

Various factors might impact how long you are here, like:

  • The degree of your fentanyl use
  • How you respond to care
  • The presence of other drugs
  • The existence of co-occurring disorders that play a role in your drug use
  • Your overall health

What You Should Anticipate From Fentanyl Rehab

At our fentanyl rehab, you will be treated with empathy and dignity within a well-designed and welcoming environment. We know that keeping you comfortable and well-nourished is critical to your success. This is why we offer balanced meals, access to beverages and snacks around-the-clock, cozy bedrooms, and relaxing community lounge areas. You'll be occupied with therapy, but you'll also have time for recreational pursuits and exercise in our fitness center.

We employ evidence-based treatments and could suggest medication-assisted treatment with Suboxone to deal with fentanyl withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Our purpose is to get you stabilized and progressing to better health. We’ll examine the underlying causes of your drug use and cultivate coping mechanisms through:

How We Ensure Your Safety Throughout Fentanyl Rehab

Getting through detox doesn’t indicate you have overcome your fentanyl addiction. Compulsions to use can still persist, and you’re actually at an enhanced risk of a fatal overdose following a period of abstinence. Keeping you safe is a vital element of our fentanyl rehab. We do this through:

  • 24/7 availability from a knowledgeable medical staff
  • A controlled living environment clear of triggers of fentanyl use
  • Development of coping devices to help you avoid substance use
  • Custom-tailored treatment that considers your distinct set of circumstances
  • Rigid patient privacy protocols to keep your personal info and details of treatment protected
  • Planning for your future care

Get Help From Our Fentanyl Rehab Center Now

Help is closer than you think. You can triumph over fentanyl addiction, but you need to make the first move. Our fentanyl rehab center offers the ideal atmosphere to get you advancing toward a life of sobriety. Reach out to us at 888-369-7727 or through the following form. We answer in a prompt fashion, day or night.