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Comprehensive Oxycodone Rehab Near Me

One of the most powerful prescription pain relievers in use today, Oxycodone can have a disastrous impact on all aspects of your life. Prevailing over this incredibly addictive drug isn’t easy and should be completed under the guidance of licensed professionals like the ones at Evolve. Our Oxycodone rehab will take charge where detox leaves off to guide you toward a lasting recovery in a safe, welcoming surrounding.

How Do You Know If You Need OxyContin Rehab?

Oxycodone, more commonly recognized by the brand name OxyContin®, is frequently prescribed to address pain of a moderate to severe level. Lamentably, Oxycodone is extremely addictive, and difficulties start if you use it beyond the prescription or recreationally. Addiction may occur quickly. And even when detox is complete, continued treatment is still required.

If you experience these issues, you likely need to seek OxyContin rehab:

  • Intense cravings to use Oxycodone again
  • Withdrawal symptoms like physical pain, irritability, or heightened anxiety
  • Problems coping with certain circumstances
  • You drink alcohol or use other drugs while using
  • A worry about relapsing when facing peer pressure, triggers, or trauma

Even if you’re unsure about these signals of addiction, if you are taking OxyContin beyond the prescription, you could need a rehab program.

If oxycodone is present in your system, you will likely need to begin with detox. We are able to get you started with an inpatient detox. Then you may easily transfer to Evolve for a safe space away from external triggers to zero in on yourself and move forward in treatment.

How To Get Ready For OxyContin Rehab At Evolve

Seeking help is one of the most difficult aspects of your recovery. Once that is completed, there are some other tasks you should handle before starting Oxycodone rehab, including:

  1. Make arrangements for children and animals.
  2. Bring comfy clothing and shoes along with personal care essentials for at least 10 days. If you failed to remember a item or run out, we have you covered!
  3. Schedule your leave from your employment. Evolve is skilled in Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) filings and is happy to work with your HR department.
  4. Plan how you will get a ride to our facility. We are pleased to provide 24-hour transportation service if required.

It’s a good idea to check out our admissions information so you know what to plan for before getting here.

What Is The Length Of OxyContin Rehab?

Evolve cares for all patients individually and custom-tailors treatment plans to match your exact circumstances. You won’t find a universal length of time for our OxyContin rehab. With that being said, you can anticipate being with us for a at least two to four weeks. It’s common for patients to have treatment plans that are longer, as much as 90 days. The length of your stay is influenced by:

  • The amount of time you’ve been taking OxyContin and the level of your consumption
  • Total times you’ve been to rehab
  • Your mental health, considering co-occurring disorders
  • Your general physical condition
  • Your customized care plan

Our counselors will recommend a treatment length once finished with your initial assessment after you arrive|. We’ll track your progress closely to be certain you’re prepared for the next stage of ongoing outpatient treatment.

What To Plan On From OxyContin Rehab

Above all, you ought to plan for custom-tailored treatment from a caring team in a friendly atmosphere. We wish for you to be comfortable and ensure this via well-furnished bedrooms and restful community spaces. You will enjoy nourishing meals, beverages, snacks, and various recreational options. To make sure of your comfort and safety, we have team members present 24/7.

Our Oxycodone rehab is highlighted by personalized care plans and evidence-based medical support and therapy. Our licensed clinicians will help you uncover the core reasons behind your drug use and educate you on effective coping skills for lasting sobriety. You can expect to be treated with the following:

  • Group therapy
  • Individual therapy
  • Counseling to help make clear-cut and attainable goals and aftercare strategies
  • Family counseling
  • Medication-assisted treatment contingent on the severity of your compulsions and withdrawal symptoms

How We Maintain Your Safety During OxyContin Rehab

Overcoming this potentially damaging substance is difficult and you might have urges to continue using. Detox is the proper way to begin the process, but it doesn’t automatically eliminate risk. Actually, you’re at a higher risk of a lethal overdose following detox.

Evolve will help ensure your safety with:

  • 24-hour medical guidance from an experienced team
  • A carefully designed, sober setting free from outside triggers and trauma
  • Personalized treatment plans specified to your situation
  • Strict patient privacy protocols to shield personal identifiable information and details of treatment
  • Cultivation of coping mechanisms
  • Planning future support for once you leave our facility

Get Help For Oxycodone Use Now

Help is ready for you now. Start Oxycodone rehab at Evolve and take a necessary step toward a life clear of this harmful opioid. Place a call to 888-369-7727 or submit the form on this page, and one of our staff members will respond promptly. We are available day and night, 365 days a year.